Virtual - Creationism


This class focuses on one of the major topics under attack today, the Biblical teaching of creation. You will discuss the importance and theology of Creationism along with various theories of creation, creation vs. evolution, the age of the universe, and more. Learn how your beliefs about creation impact your Christian walk.

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This class focuses on one of the major topics under attack today, the Biblical teaching of creation. You will discuss the importance and theology of Creationism along with various theories of creation, creation vs. evolution, the age of the universe, and more. Learn how your beliefs about creation impact your Christian walk.

This class focuses on one of the major topics under attack today, the Biblical teaching of creation. You will discuss the importance and theology of Creationism along with various theories of creation, creation vs. evolution, the age of the universe, and more. Learn how your beliefs about creation impact your Christian walk.

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