In-Person - Explaining Our Faith


In a world full of questions, join us in learning how to answer objections to the Christian faith. You will discuss evidence for the existence of God, the person and resurrection of Jesus, and other crucial areas. Learn how to defend your faith!

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In a world full of questions, join us in learning how to answer objections to the Christian faith. You will discuss evidence for the existence of God, the person and resurrection of Jesus, and other crucial areas. Learn how to defend your faith!

In a world full of questions, join us in learning how to answer objections to the Christian faith. You will discuss evidence for the existence of God, the person and resurrection of Jesus, and other crucial areas. Learn how to defend your faith!

In-Person - The Pursuit of Holiness
In-Person - Foundations of the Faith
In-Person - Creationism
In-Person - The Book of Romans
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